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In the next 30 MINUTES you will learn how to achieve MORE with your writing in the next 90 days, than you have over the last THREE DECADES!

Discover a revolutionary approach to storytelling with the Your Storytelling Potential method! This video will show you how to transform your narratives from linear, predictable plots to dynamic, thematically rich stories. Watch as we redefine traditional storytelling and show you how to unlock your true creative potential. Don't miss this chance to elevate your storytelling craft!


"I’m inspired by this unique perspective for analyzing story structure. It makes so much more sense than any other model I’ve seen. Totally worth the money. I feel I got a good deal." -Dimitra Clark

"Have taken many writing classes over the years, and got very disillusioned. Your class is the first time I've been excited to write in quite a while, even though I've been plugging away the last few years!" -Karen Ironside

"As always, you’re the greatest!" -B. Thomas

"Holy $*&^+! I've just watched the first 20 minutes of the first AI workshop and this is brilliant." -Kathy Keats

"It’s clearly a bigger deal than I expected. I am impressed with the results you are generating. It’s really good stuff." S. C. (full name withheld by request, but director & producer of one of the most well known film franchises (his franchise is a household name).

Access the entire YSP Mini Course for ONLY $97!

...Plus Get a Digital Copy of "Your Storytelling Potential" Book... FREE TODAY!

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Transform Your Writing with Innovative Storytelling Techniques

Taught By Mitchell German

  • Complete understanding of the IDENTIFIABLE TRAITS great novels and screenplays (namely movies) have in common that distinguish them from the other 99.99% of books and screenplays that are written every year. 

  • Learn how to use TWO STORIES in all of your own screenplays and novels, and exponentially increase the chances of your stories getting recognized.

  • Gain a proper understanding of the critical and essential role of SUBPLOTS in great stories in order to create genuine character depth and relationships.

  • Master the actual ROLE OF THEME in stories and how to properly integrate a THEME into your own work so that your stories convey deep, relevant and amazing ideas. 

  • Utilize A/B PARALLEL STORY STRUCTURE and the SIMPLE STORY TIMELINE to build four-dimensional and well-layered stories with the required converging events of the A-Story/B-Story relationship.

  • Acquire deep insights about how the Actual Premise Of Nearly Every Great Story is created by the convergence of the A & B Storylines, and how this KEY INFORMATION can unlock Your Own Storytelling Potential!

Special Registration Discount: 


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  • This is a Limited Time Offer to access the YSP "Mini Course" for $97 and digital copy of the YSP book. When the timer hits zero, the offer expires and you may need to pay the full price of $1500. Limited number of spots available. Price subject to change. This offer is for the YSP Mini Course only, and does not include the AI Workshop, software, or access to any other part of the YSP program.


    • "I have to tell you, it’s fantastic. Now when I watch movies or read any scripts, it’s like immediately my mind starts thinking the A, the B. They should have worked harder on the B. The B isn’t causing the A. This would be so easy to fix. It’s pretty astounding. The information is incredible. It’s something that once you start to process and really understand, you can’t unsee it."

      Zeke Farrow - Your Storytelling Potential

    Turn Your Story Ideas Into Novels and Screenplays With Genuine Layers & Depth

    The truth about great storytelling is hidden in plain view for anyone to see, but nearly EVERY EXPERT ignores the most basic story construct. If you want to write GREAT STORIES, you must understand these three essential storytelling rules:

    A/B Parallel Structure

    The most basic trait that every great story has in common is that they always have Two Converging Stories. In fact, the "premise" of great stories is created by this very convergence. 

    Thematic Relevance

    Nearly every story "expert" teaches that Theme creates the "message" of a story, this is horrible information that is just flat out wrong. In all great stories, Theme links the A-Story to the B-Story.

    Simple Story Timeline

    The linear graphs used by nearly every "expert" are flat & two dimensional graphs, based on only one storyline. Structure in all great stories follows a predictable pattern of multiple interwoven stories

    If you join Your Storytelling Potential, you also get a copy of "Your Storytelling Potential: The Underground Guide To Finally Writing A Great Screenplay or Novel"

  • Chapter 1: Hidden, Revealed & Unknown 

  • Chapter 2: The Beginning Is Not The Beginning

  • Chapter 3: Theme: The Conceptual War 

  • Chapter 4: Three-Branch Reasons & Thematic Connections

  • Chapter 5: A Journey Of Mind: Logic, Despair, Clarity 

  • Chapter 6: Structural Connection Points

  • Chapter 7: Twelve Core Elements 

  • Chapter 8: The Theory of Subplot Relativity

  • Chapter 9: The Simple Story Timeline

  • Chapter 10: Characters As Cause

  • Chapter 11: Your Revealed Storytelling Potential 

  • This authoritative guide reveals the deepest secrets about why stories work (and why all the other "experts" are simply wrong).

    "Already it's clearer what my problem is and what everyone's problem is! There's been this nagging pain for all these years that says there's still something missing even though I've read about it obsessively and tried out so many different techniques. It does feel like a veil has been lifted, so I'm thrilled I'm doing this. Like most things that are really great, it seems so simple when someone finally draws the curtain back and shows what's actually going on! (Brilliant, brilliant stuff, Mitch.)"

    Vinnie Murphy-Your Storytelling Potential

    Your Storytelling Potential

    (Limited Access Mini Course)

    • Session 1: Foundations of Plot & Character Development

    • Session 2: The Proximate Cause Character (PCC)

    • Session 3: The Main Character

    • Session 4: Using AI To Build A Complete Story

    • Session 5: The Heart of Structure: Logical Solutions, Midpoints, and Discoveries. 

    • Session 6: Endings & Beginnings

    • Session 7: Subplots & the Primary Obstacle

    • Session 8: Theme & the Revealed Potential

    Full YSP Retail Price: $1500

    Limited Time "Mini Course" Registration:

    ONLY $97

    Please Reserve My Spot.
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • This is a Limited Time Offer to access the YSP "Mini Course" for $97 and digital copy of the YSP book. When the timer hits zero, the offer expires and you may need to pay the full price of $1500. Limited number of spots available. Price subject to change. This offer is for the YSP Mini Course only, and does not include the AI Workshop, software, or access to any other part of the YSP program.

    Spots Are Limited.

    Your Storytelling Potential Is For Anyone Who Works With Stories:









    Studio Execs



    And Many More...

    Thanks for accommodating me during your presentation related to the breakdown of Good Will Hunting, utilizing your revised program, now referred to as “Your Story Telling Potential”. As you are aware, I have been in the film and television industry for more than 45 years and as a producer I have produced more than 1,500 hours of broadcast material. The last 6 years I have been concentrating primarily on drama script development. It’s refreshing to note that you aren’t hesitant to re-engineer your program to a level where you are taking on certain longstanding and inculcated script and story development ideas, that will without any doubt, raise the eyebrows of the scriptwriting and production fraternity. Your emphasis is not about rearranging the existing model as most new approaches are, it’s something new and different. I’m looking forward to the session related to television series development in a couple of weeks.

    Piet Marais, Nu-Script Productions - Your Storytelling Potential

    Hey Mitch! OMG, absolutely fabulous material. I've read almost all the books and done many courses and this stuff is gold! (I'm doing a lot of unlearning at the moment.) That idea of the start of the story being the blowing up of the (bleep) is genius. Thanks for doing what you do."

    Kathy Keats

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Dear Mitch. I am in awe. I feel as though I have been catapulted into a new realm. Over some months I have struggled with my story, but by attending your webinars (some on replay) it is as though I have received a massive intravenous infusion of INSIGHT. Thank you.

    Stuart Ungar

    Your Storytelling Potential

    "Amazing piece of work you have developed. Your worksheets, your unique method of thinking about the A-Story and B-story and how subplots enrich both storylines, and the crystalline way of approaching the theme is the most helpful advice I've ever received."

    Allan Cram

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Describing how a finished story works is not the same as providing guidance for how to make a working story. Seeing how this is done by taking the bits and pieces that are not yet a story and slowing turning those bits and pieces into a story is what makes your course worthwhile."

    Laurence Starn

    Your Storytelling Potential

    “It's finally starting to sink in. Your course continues to help me focus and arrange the many puzzle pieces of the screenplay which I couldn't do before. It really helps and gives me a better pathway to keep developing my story. I am very excited about my screenplay thanks to your guidance.

    Hope Vinitsky

    Your Storytelling Potential

    "It's starting to click! The A and B story idea is starting to make sense. Thanks for this great course. It really opens up my understanding of how things work together."

    Timothy Hicks

    Your Storytelling Potential

    “I never really liked Good Will Hunting when I first saw it -- but you sure brought it alive! You've done that with all the movies you've featured. It's been fascinating. I love your enthusiasm for this. This concept of A and B story is fascinating -- and I intend to master it in my own writing!"

    Tracy Cheney

    Your Storytelling Potential

    “I love stories, especially thoughtful, interlaced ones but I never understood a story's depth until I came across your presentations. Listening to you, interacting with participants, has been the capstone of my re-awakened desire to write fulfilling stories. I now have all the storytelling tools that are required.

    Ozzie Logozzo

    Your Storytelling Potential

    "Just wanted to express my thorough enjoyment of your class talking about the duality of storytelling. Your unique insights are allowing me to both tackle new ideas with more confidence and empowering me to crack the mystery of existing script problems with enhanced clarity."

    Vanessa Burt

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Absolutely LOVED yesterday’s session, especially, especially, especially at the 1 hour mark. The only ‘learning’ I’ve done where I never felt frustrated and like I wasted my time was your courses. So thank you. I’m very excited to see where this course will take me now. "

    Patti Dansereau

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Just finished listening to Live Session #16. I loved it. I loved all of it. Your discussion of the Cause to a Cause for both the A & B-stories is terrific. But what I really loved was what you had to say about the Proximate Cause Character and the Underlying Cause Character. Thanks again for your remarkable seminar. 

    Blake Thomas

    Your Storytelling Potential

    “The way you think about story is better than anyone else out there. And I think the new material and how you think about the interplay between A and B stories and Theme is off the charts helpful. I’m finding this way of thinking of story mind-opening. So much easier to break story this way!"

    Zeke Farrow

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Used By Professional Storytellers.

    See What The Pros Say:

    This story program is the most useful tool I have ever seen...

    They have developed a unique and extremely useful program to assist writers in developing a fool proof story. The best tool for helping map out a successful story.

    Rocky Lang, Producer/Director/Writer, White Squall (A Ridley Scott Film), Nervous Ticks, Titanic

    Structure is just done for you...

    Good story telling starts with good structure… and good structure starts with Plot Control. This software is like structure on steroids.  With Plot Control structure is just done for you. (Very Cool.)

    Andy Jenkins, Producer and Partner: Haxan Films

    I was able to re-craft the entire outline and get it to my Producers for approval.

    In fact, it was inspiring. I had been struggling with the 3rd act and putting off delivery, but with the help of this system it was like I plowed through a creative wall. 

    Steven Goldmann, DGA, DGC, Broken Bridges (Paramount), Trailer Park of Terror (Summit)

    I have never come across a system so intuitive to the writer’s needs....

    In the 15 years I’ve been writing for TV and film, I have never come across a system so intuitive to the writer’s needs. This is why movies used to be better than they are now. 

    Jeremy Miller, Writer/Producer: Entourage, Boston Public, We Are Marshall, Ghost of Girlfriends Past

    At a glance, I can view everything on one page pictorially...

    The way it’s organized, it forces you to fill in the information that makes your story more complete, while at the same time it simplifies the process, so you can keep your mind focused on storytelling. 

    Cindy Lichtman: Ally McBeal, The Practice

    Now I have all my ideas in one place, I can print an outline anytime...

    My family is sick of hearing me say how much I love this system, but it’s exciting to use something that forces me to focus on the story, plot, characters, subplots, theme. You’ve made a great product. I love you guys.

    Bettie Styurak, Creative Writer Software Client

    I recently bought a copy of your software, and I have to say it’s awesome...

    I finally have a concrete system for outlining. Up until now my spiral notebook of random ideas was my prewriting process, but I can now focus on the use of proper story structure.

    Ryan Binse, Creative Writer Software Client

    This program is definitely worth its weight in gold...

    Initially I thought, yeah, just another software I’ll buy and won’t use… but this program is definitely worth its weight in gold. Thank you so much for sharing your remarkable program.

    Kim Jacobs, Creative Writer Software Client

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